
Hüseyin Borman, M.D. Professor


DegreeDepartment / ProgramUniversity
Medical DoctorFaculty of MedicineGazi University
Aesthetic Plastic Reconstructive SurgeonAesthetic Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic SurgeryHacettepe University
Associate ProfessorPlastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic SurgeryBaşkent University
ProfessorPlastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic SurgeryBaşkent University
ExperienceM.V.T. Ospedale Marsciano,
General Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Perugia/Italy
ExperienceThe Royal London Hospital,
Breast Surgery and Vascular Surgery London/England


M.D., ResidentHacettepe University
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic Surgery
Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonAesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Başkent University
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic Surgery
Associate ProfessorBaşkent University
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic Surgery
Head of the DepartmentBaşkent University
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic Surgery.
ProfessorBaşkent University
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aestetic Surgery
Superiority DiplomaHand Surgeon
Superiority DiplomaMaxillofacial Surgeon

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