Breast Reduction Ankara

The breasts may enlarge after puberty and reach to a gigantic size. This also gives rise to sagging breasts. A sagging breast due to its big size can cause back, neck and shoulder pain. The breasts restrict daily physical activities of the individual and cause problems with body image resulting in psychological and social problems. Genetical factors, hormonal changes or some illnesses may result in increase in breast size. Breasts becomes unproportional with the rest of the body. Weight changes, breast feeding and gravity helps to increase the problems. A breast reduction surgery is required to make the breast smaller and more attractive. 

Excessive breast tissue is reduced and reshaped according to the patients body proportions. The areola is repositioned while the excessive tissue is removed. No matter which method is used, a scar will definitely remain around the nipples. Additionally, according to the method used, a further scar will remain at the lower side of the areola. We use ‘vertical breast reduction’ which leaves only a vertical scar under the areola.  

The scars will fade in time. The visibility and size of the scars after the surgery depend on the size of the breasts and the scar tendency of the patients. The surgery is done under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 2 to 3 hours. A hospital stay for a few days is necessary. The patient may return to work within 5 days. The patient wears a sports-bra for 4 weeks. 

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