The number of fat cells is constant in an adult's body. After adolescence, the volume of the fat cells increases and their number remains the same which is usually genetically determined. Frequent and unhealthy eating habits as well as inactive life style also result in body contour distortions with uneven fat deposition. The body mass index is unfavourable and subcutaneous fat deposition is increased. The ideal patient for liposuction is the patient who loses weight but can not reduce fat deposits in certain regions despite performing exersize and being on a diet. Fatty areas like the belly, waist, hips, outer and inner thighs and knees are very resistant to diet and exercise. Excess fat in these areas can not be reduced with conservative approaches. Liposuction is the answer to this problem that is used in this condition. We use the most popular and safest technique called the Wet (Tumescent) Technique. Before liposuction surgery, fluid injection is done to infiltrate the fat deposited areas.
Soft tissue elasticity and age are also determinants of obtaining a good result because skin remodelling after liposuction is required. Liposuction is a very good technique for body contouring and reshaping. After the procedure, a fit and slender body attitude is accomplished. Submental, umblical, waist, hip, buttock, arm, thigh, inner thigh, cruris and ankle regions are the most common sites where liposuction is performed. ‘Liposuction’, is a procedure that is performed with thin cannulas. The cannulas are inserted through holes as smal as 0.5 cm and by the help of a vacuum device subcutaneous fat is reduced. Body shaping, liposculpture, lipolysis are the synonyms of this method. Using this technique, a beautiful body contour is obtained. Liposuction can be done under local anaesthesia for localized fat depositions but general anaesthesia is required for a generalized liposuction. The ‘Tumescent Technique’ that we use, results in reduced bleeding and post-liposuction pain. This increases patient comfort early postoperatively after the effects of anaesthesia diminishes. The patient may go home on the same day or stay for a night at the hospital according to the amount of liposuction performed. The patient can go to work after 2-3 days and return back to everyday life.