Ulcers – Sores - Wounds

Non Healing Wounds – Intractable Ulcers

Pressure sores, bed wounds, diabetic foot wounds, wounds that occur after trauma and chronic wounds are closed with appropriate treatment and tissue transfers. There may be an underlying tumoral or cancerous cause in some wounds that does not heal within the expected period. Wounds may also appear in some type of malignant cancerous conditions. These wounds must be evaluated and the treatment must be done as soon as possible. We have published some methods of wound closure in these cases in the scientific literature.

Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy – Breast Construction after Cancer Surgery

For those women who underwent mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast) because of breast cancer has the chance of breast reconstruction (formation of the breast again). This is a very important subject and a common public problem. Breast reconstruction helps the woman feel whole again. Breast reconstruction should be done in every woman who is healthy otherwise. Reconstruction is performed by tissue transfers from the umbilical region or back region. In suitable cases tissue expansion and silicone breast reconstruction can also be done. According to the properties of the individual patient we combine these techniques in order to obtain an aesthetic result, that is the ideal breast. After formation of the breast mound, nipple and areola are also reconstructed after about 6 months.  


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