Face Fractures

Traffic accidents or any other type of trauma may result in facial injury. Soft tissue lacerations and losses may occur. Facial bones may be broken. These fractures are treated by open reduction and fixed with special screws and plates. Professor Huseyin Borman who is head of the team also has a Maxillofacial Surgery Diploma and treatment is scheduled professionally by himself. 

Congenital Anomalies – Birth Defects and Disorders

Congenital anomalies are the problems of the parents from the time of birth of the child. As the child grows, this also becomes the problem of the child. Curious glances of the people in the environment and the agitation of the family usually give rise to panic. Cleft lip and palate, congenital nevus, haemangioma, vascular tumours, hand anomalies, unseperated fingers, excess fingers, ear agenesis - formation anomalies – deformities, prominent ear and many more are evaluated and treatments are accomplished. 


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