BREAST LIFT SURGERY (MASTOPEXY) – Augmentation Mastopexy

There are several reasons for breast sagging over time. Ligaments that hold the breast tissue in shape can stretch as the years pass. Changes in weight, breastfeeding and gravity as well as aging can result in discrepancy between the breast tissue and the skin overlying it. The problem may be related to the breast tissue, the skin, or both of them. This can lead to empty-looking sagging breasts. 

In aesthetic breast lift surgery or mastopexy, sagging breast tissue is tightened and excess skin is removed. If the breast tissue involution is severe, a silicone implant may be required in order to produce fullness within the skin during mastopexy. We prefer ‘vertical mastopexy’ technique that gives the best results in terms of scar. Apart from a periareolar scar only a vertical short scar is left. Alternatively, fat injections may be used to perform an augmentation mastopexy and the nipples are repositioned. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital environment and lasts for about 2-3 hours. Different scars are inevitable related to the extent of the sagging. There is no breast lift surgery that leaves no scars at all. However, these scars become almost invisible over time if the respective person has no scar tendency. The patient may return to work within 4 days.

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