
Each part of the body has a different fat content. Some people may feel uncomfortable because they have excess fat in the belly and hips. Thanks to fat injection, fat can be removed from unwanted areas and injected into the area where volume is desired.

What is Fat Injection?

With the fat injection procedure, fat tissue taken from an unwanted fat area of the body can be injected into another area. With this method, the desired area can be given the desired shape and appearance. In particular, it is a common procedure to inject the fat accumulated in the abdomen into the buttocks.

Is Fat Injection Permanent?

Fat injection permanence may vary from person to person. As a result of factors such as aging, weight change, hormonal changes, the permanence period of fat injection decreases. After fat injection, not all of them are completely permanent. While some of it remains in the body, some of it may dissolve. In addition, the person's life factors are also important for permanence. The area where the fat is injected is important for permanence. Permanence is higher in inactive areas.



Which Areas Is Fat Injection Performed?

Fat injection can be performed in almost every region. Generally applied areas can be listed as follows;

Face; collapse may occur in areas such as the upper lip, cheeks and under the eyes. In order to give a fuller appearance to these areas, fat injection is performed to remove the lines. Thus, a more taut skin is formed.
Lips; lips lose their volume with age or some people have thin lips from birth. Fat injection can be performed to make the lips fuller.
Breast; fat injection can also be performed in this area for breast augmentation or for equalization in cases where one breast is smaller than the other.
Buttocks; the most preferred area is the buttocks. This procedure can be preferred to make the buttocks look more shaped.
Hands; as age progresses, the skin on the hands becomes thinner and a wrinkled appearance occurs. This procedure can be performed to remove this appearance.

How is Buttock Augmentation with Fat Injection?

For buttock augmentation with fat injection, liposuction is performed first. In order to add fat to the hip area, fat must first be taken from another area. The areas from which fat is taken can vary in the form of abdomen, waist or thighs. The fat tissue is subjected to special treatment and prepared for injection. After the fat tissue is prepared, the fat is injected into the hip area with a cannula or injector. After the fat is carefully injected into the areas determined by the doctor, the distribution and volume are checked.



Is Fat Injection Harmful?

There are some risks in fat injection as in every procedure. Infection, swelling and bruising may occur. Infection is unlikely to occur for procedures performed in a sterile environment. Swelling and bruising is a normal condition. In addition to these damages, other situations may also occur. Problems such as asymmetry, absorption of fat by part of the body and volume loss may also occur.

Things to Consider After Fat Injection

It is important to rest after fat injection. The healing process varies between 1-3 weeks. It is necessary to pay attention to the regular use of the medications prescribed by the doctor. It is important to pay attention to wound care and keep the wound area dry and clean. Cold applications can be made for faster healing of edema and swelling. Heavy workouts should be avoided during this period. Even if the person returns to his/her normal life, it is important not to load the fat injection area. Diet is another important issue.

It is necessary to avoid harmful habits as much as possible during the fat injection healing process. Your doctor will specify the time required for this. Finally, it is necessary to check the fat injection area regularly. In order to avoid any asymmetry and to understand how much fat loss will occur, you should visit the doctor regularly.

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